African Conservation

Many of the iconic animals that people all over the world have grown up taking for granted are under threat. Great whites and other sharks, rhinos, elephants, lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, pangolins, and many many others are struggling to survive in the wild.

Human encroachment resulting in habitat loss, and human wildlife conflict (HWC) are taking steady tolls on what little is left of Africa’s wildlife. With some species animal ‘products’ are so valuable that poaching and over exploitation are rapidly reducing populations. Rhino horn, pangolin scales, abalone, shark fins, and ivory are among the animal products that are highly prized and so very valuable in China and the Far East.

In 2014 the WWF and the Zoological Society of London issued a statement saying that we had lost 50% of earth’s wildlife in the last 40 years.

Richard believes that the battle to ensure a wild future for South Africa’s iconic species must be won to set a precedent and an example to the world.  Lions, elephants, hippos, giraffes and rhinos etc., are the species that come to many people’s minds all over the world when they hear the word ‘wildlife’.  The battle to save the world’s threatened fauna and flora is being fought every day all over the globe, we cannot afford to lose our natural world.

In 2010 Richard and Jacqui Peirce started spending half of the year based in southern Africa, and Richard started writing books to support efforts to conserve various species on the continent. The Poachers Moon, Giant Steps, Nicole, Cuddle Me, Kill Me, Orca and Pangolins (Scales of Injustice) – feature rhinos, elephants, great white sharks, and pangolins.
