Giant Steps book now launched

Giant Steps out in South Africa mid February and will be available in U.K. from our web shop on this site from March 21st @ £13.40 inc. p & p. If signed copy required please indicate if you want a name in it.


Whether Great White Sharks ever visit UK waters is a question that has vexed shark scientists and devotees for years? In this short book Richard examines the evidence, recounts case histories of sightings, and logically assesses the question. A rare picture of a possible Great White caught in a net, eye witness accounts, background history and Richard’s unique knowledge all make this a ‘must have’ for British shark enthusiasts.
Personalised signed copies can be ordered from the shop on this website.

Giant Steps book

Richard’s latest book GIANT STEPS, is out in Southern Africa now. It is available at all leading bookshops. Signed copies will be available in UK from Richard Peirce’s website shop from March 15 at a cost of £11.99 inc. p & p, or from the Shark Conservation Society website shop, Amazon, major retailers, and NHBS from April 15. A MUST READ – compelling, powerful and profoundly moving. If buying signed copies from Richard’s website please indicate if you want a name in the book.

Richard is donating part of his author’s royalties to Tusk.