Shark Cornwall Publishing (SCP)
Most of Richard Peirce’s books as below are available from SCP’s distributors, Outstanding MD Limited of Bodmin. Click on the link below which will take you to the place on the Outstanding website where Richard’s books can be ordered. The prices indicated below are cover prices which do not include P&P either to UK or overseas. Final prices including P&P will be available from Outstanding MD Limited when placing an order.
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Kalahari Gold
Richard Peirce’s first thriller novel, a real page turner. This book is very much in the Wilbur Smith mould, nevertheless whether you are interested in African adventure or not, it is an entertaining action-packed read. Kalahari Gold is the first in a series and will be followed by Ahead of the Game which is due out soon.
Execution Sites of Devon and Cornwall
Shark Cornwall Publishing. A boy hanged for sheep stealing minutes before a rider appeared with a reprieve commuting his sentence to life – The man they tried to hang three times then gave up on – The self appointed “King of Lundy” who hung those who didn’t obey him – The mayor who built a gallows not knowing it was for his own execution – The 141 French prisoners who may not have been hanged despite popular legend – Saint Cuthbert Mayne who was hung, drawn and quartered in Launceston. “Toe the line”, “Money for old rope”, “One for the road”. All these expressions have their origins in executions.
Pirates of Devon & Cornwall
Shark Cornwall Publishing. First printed in March 2010 and sold out in less than two months. The second print was in May 2010 and it has been reprinted twice since. This book separates the fact from the fiction and introduces the reader to many remarkable characters.
Westcountry Witches, Wizards & Warlocks
Shark Cornwall Publishing. For centuries there have been records of the practice of witchcraft and magic in the Westcountry. This book explodes the myths and explores modern witchcraft, paganism and other practices and beliefs.
Westcountry Outlaws
Words like highwayman, pirate, and others conjure up romantic visions of past heroes and villains. Dick Turpin, Billy the Kid, and Captain Jack Sparrow are all names that produce such images, which are often influenced by Hollywood type portrayals. Devon and Cornwall have more than their fair share of such characters from yesteryear and this book brings them back to life.
50 Westcountry Heroes, Villains & Famous Characters
What do Mick Fleetwood and Sir Francis Drake have in common? They were both born in the Westcountry, Drake in Devon and Fleetwood in Cornwall. This book the fifth in Richard Peirce’s ‘Black’ book series introduces readers to an amazing eclectic mix of 50 notable people from the Westcountry. Some you will have heard of, and many others that you won’t!
Top Secret in The Westcountry Until Now!?
The Devon town where a WW2 gun battle took place between black and white American soldiers, the North Cornwall spy centre, the internet cable under a Cornish beach, and the shark which blew up the Royal Navy! Devon and Cornwall have lots of secret, semi-secret and surprising tales to tell. Teenage wartime killers, nuclear bunkers and big cats are all to be found in the pages of this book
The Poacher's Moon written by Richard Peirce
Shark Cornwall Publishing. “This book is a fantastic account of what happened at Fairy Glen, and I am sure it will be a big success not only as a true story but also from an educational perspective. Reading Poacher’s Moon brought back both painful and happy memories. As someone who wasn’t there at the time of the tragic events, Richard has captured what happened with almost uncanny accuracy.”
Pieter de Jager, Owner of Fairy Glen Reserve
Click here to visit
Pangolins, Scales of Injustice
By 2019 pangolins had gained the unenviable tag of being the “most trafficked mammals” on earth. Demand in China and the Far East for pangolin scales and meat had soared and so had prices. Ever increasing demand meant ever increasing supply and the world’s eight pangolin species paid the price. In February 2020 the novel corona virus (Covid-19) was fast spreading across the world, and pangolins were thrust into the global spotlight when scientists discovered that the virus may have come to humans via bats and pangolins. This is the world’s first general interest book on pangolins, and the world’s first book linking Covid-19 to pangolins.
Sharks in British Seas Second Edition
Shark Cornwall Publishing. The second edition was issued on December 7 2011 and contains three new chapters, new photos and revisions and updates.
Penguin Struik Random House. Published in early 2016, Giant Steps is the true story of two elephants in South Africa, and contains strong conservation and awareness messages. Signed copies of all Richard Peirce’s books are available from the shop on this website. Giant Steps is available through NHBS/this website/Amazon/and leading book stores.
(Penguin Struik Random House). The true story of Nicole the Great white shark which swum from South Africa to Australia and back.
The Greatest White Shark Story Ever Told
When killer whales moved into Great White Shark territory off South African’s Western Cape the scene was set for a battle of marine giants, Orcas versus Great Whites. This book tells the story and introduces readers to the humans who got caught up in this epic marine struggle. A must for shark fans.
Sharks Off Cornwall & Devon
Tor Mark Press. This clear-sighted little book was first published by Tor Mark in 2009. The only book in print dealing exclusively with Cornwall & Devon’s sharks. Available from Tor Mark or Shark Cornwall.
Cuddle Me, Kill Me
“A searing investigation into captive lion breeding and canned hunting in South Africa. A must read for anyone interested in this sector or thinking of volunteering to rear lion cubs. Cuddle Me, Kill Me follows ITV’s The Cook Report, Gareth Patterson’s Dying to be Free, and Blood Lions exposing how the king of the animal world has been reduced to being farmed like domestic livestock. Part of the author’s royalties are being donated to the Born Free Foundation.
Shark Attack Britain
Shark Cornwall Publishing. Shark attacks and even human deaths caused by sharks in British seas?! This lifts the lid off shark attacks in UK waters. It will not be what you expect
The UK Great White Shark Enigma
“Shark Cornwall Publishing. In this concise book Richard Peirce examines claimed encounters with, and sightings of, Great White sharks in British waters.
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